Subject Line
(choose one):
1. Delete EVERY single marketing product in your computer...
Hey [[firstname]],
I have a plain
simple question for you today.
Are you making
money online?
If you are...are
you making enough to live financially Free?
If you STILL
haven't reached that stage, you can
jolly well delete every single product you've ever bought
online because...obviously they didn't work for you!
Now, I'm gonna
tell you something that might make
you queasy.
Maybe even a
little angry.
You see, most
of these products you bought online
don't work at all. (Some do) They are put out by
marketers more interested in making a quick buck
off you rather then to HELP you.
This one is different
See and you'll
know what I mean:
=> [[LINK]]
Forget about
lousy traffic software.
Forget about
support tickets that go unanswered.
Forget about
crappy products that doesn't work
Discover how
you can rise above all that and, seriously,
delete all your other marketing products.
=> [[LINK]]