Affiliate Link And Promotion Tools

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Your Promotion Swipes

Feel free to edit where needed. Include your affiliate link and signature before mailing out to your subscribers, customers and members list.


Subject Line (choose one):
1. Delete EVERY single marketing product in your computer...

Hey [[firstname]],

I have a plain simple question for you today.

Are you making money online?

If you are...are you making enough to live financially Free?

If you STILL haven't reached that stage, you can
jolly well delete every single product you've ever bought
online because...obviously they didn't work for you!

Now, I'm gonna tell you something that might make
you queasy.

Maybe even a little angry.

You see, most of these products you bought online
don't work at all. (Some do) They are put out by
marketers more interested in making a quick buck
off you rather then to HELP you.

This one is different though.

See and you'll know what I mean:

=> [[LINK]]

Forget about lousy traffic software.

Forget about support tickets that go unanswered.

Forget about crappy products that doesn't work

Discover how you can rise above all that and, seriously,
delete all your other marketing products.

=> [[LINK]]



Subject Line (choose one):
1. Pocket a fortune from what you love!

Hey [[firstname]],

Its sad. Very sad.

But thousands of people get duped every month!

And you know what's the saddest part?

The same people get duped again the very next month
with the same rehashed crap!!

Well I'm writing to you today because I have a course
that's all about making genuine, authentic money from
your passion. Whether it's:

- Gaming
- Dating
- Forex
- Weight Loss
- Pregancy
- Green energy
- and many more...

Now, I'm not making any promises on the kind of money
you can make.

But if you follow this system there's a very high
chance you will succeed...

... as high as what the top experts are doing to cash
in from the bank now!

Check out these video series to learn:

=> [[LINK]]



Subject Line (choose one):
1. Seen this yet?
2. Niche marketing... on crack!

Hey [[firstname]],

Just a reminder and last call to get your Niche Expert
Blueprint here:

=> [[LINK]]

I have a plain simple question for you today:

Are you making money online?

If you are...are you making enough to live financially Free?

If you STILL haven't reached that stage, you can
jolly well delete every single product you've ever bought
online because...obviously they didn't work for you!

Now, I'm gonna tell you something that might make
you queasy.

Maybe even a little angry.

You see, most of these products you bought online
don't work at all. (Some do) They are put out by
marketers more interested in making a quick buck
off you rather then to HELP you.

This one is different though.

See and you'll know what I mean:

=> [[LINK]]


Your Banner Ads

Feel free to copy and save any of these banner images to use on your website, blog, members area or HTML newsletter.

120x300 pixels

120x600 pixels

300x250 pixels

250x250 pixels